Saturday, December 11, 2010


An evaluation of J198...where do I even begin?

Our very first lab assignment was basic work with our camera and working with video files.  All that was assigned was to produce two video files that would be uploaded to our YouTube accounts when we were finished.

An incredibly simple assignment, but way back when this assignment made me nervous.  I had no idea how to even begin such an assignment, let alone how to upload and produce videos to YouTube.  Technology was never my friend before this class.

After one awkward interview with Imani, I made it through the first lab.  And with each lab, my skills progressed.  By the end of the semester I could not only produce videos, but I could dress my videos up and edit them in such a way that they told a story, something I never thought I'd be able to accomplish.

The video I am most proud of is the video Jackie and I produced about the Sun Inn.  That was the very first video that we produced that truly told a story.  We spent a lot of time editing nearly 2 hours worth of interview footage, but our work paid off when the Brown and White featured this story on the multimedia section of their website.  The coolest part of this story was how it evolved by itself.  Jackie and I had little direction about where we wanted to take our story when we first decided to cover the Sun Inn, but it became one of the most interesting topics we covered.

Another thing Jeremy's class has provided me with is an addiction to social media.  Twitter, a website I had little understanding of before J198, has become a site that I see great potential in.  I think if more people understood the relevance and capabilities Twitter has they would be more apt to use it.  I will be a Twitter user for a long time thanks to J198.

Another social media aspect that I've fallen in love with: my blog.  My blog has become my little baby.  I get such a thrill when a friend of mine texts me indicating that they love my latest post.  I think my proudest blog moment came over Thanksgiving Break.  My older sister ran into a friend at a bar who was wearing OPI Burlesque shades on her nails.  Her friend had read my post and gone out to have her nails done in the shades I discussed.  My post was her inspiration- wow.  I cannot wait to continue working on my blog and ultimately take it to the next level.

Outside of video editing and social media proficiency, Jeremy's class has taught me something that I doubt he even realizes.  Jeremy's class has confirmed for me that I am studying something I love.  None of the "assignments" ever felt like work.  Instead, they felt like an opportunity; an opportunity to immerse myself in the local community and feel like a journalist.  I found out that I love being on camera and would be thrilled to incorporate that into my future, though Samantha Maes may give me a good run for my money.

There were many Wednesdays where I left class eager to email my family links to the YouTube videos I had produced.  Pride and joy in work is something that can't be taught but Jeremy's class made that possible for me.     <--This is the site that I created with Jackie as our final project.  I am incredibly proud of this and excited to share it as well.

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